
Pain Management
Royal Glamorgan Hospital & Prince Charles Hospital
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

Clinical Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology, Cardiff University

Clinical Lead

Pain Services, Royal Glamorgan Hospital/ Prince Charles Hospital

Other roles

Past Chair- Welsh Pain Society (2022- )
Chair- South Wales Network of Acute Pain teams (2018-)
Faculty of Pain Medicine Professional Standards Committee (2021-)
Editor BJA-Education (2021-)

Past roles

Chair- Welsh Pain Society (2019-22)
Vice Chair- Welsh Pain Society (2017-19)
Hon. Secretary- South Wales Network of Acute Pain teams (2015-18)
NISCHR Clinical Research Fellow


Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine: Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK)
Diploma IBLM/BSLM: International Board of Lifestyle Medicine, (USA)
Neurosciences, (Cardiff University)
Royal College of Anaesthetists (London)
MSc : Pain Management, 
Cardiff University
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Royal College of Anaesthetists (London)
MD: Anaesthetics, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine, 
Delhi University, India
MBBS: Delhi University, India


  • British Medical Association
  • British Society of Lifestyle Medicine
  • British Pain Society
  • International Association on the study of Pain
  • Welsh Pain Society
  • Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists

Scientific Work (Publications)

  1. Saxena N, Shaw A, Muthukumaraswamy S, Wise R, Singh KD: Robust resting-state oscillatory fingerprints of GABA-ergic and non-GABA-ergic sedation, BIOMAG 2022. Birmingham, U.K., 2022, pp 454
  2. Chiarelli AM, Germuska M, Chandler H, Stickland R, Patitucci E, Biondetti E, Mascali D, Saxena N, Khot S, Steventon J, Foster C, Rodriguez-Soto AE, Englund E, Murphy K, Tomassini V, Wehrli FW, Wise RG: A flow-diffusion model of oxygen transport for quantitative mapping of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) with single gas calibrated fMRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2022; 42: 1192-1209
  3. Chandler HL, Stickland RC, Patitucci E, Germuska M, Chiarelli AM, Foster C, Bhome-Dhaliwal S, Lancaster TM, Saxena N, Khot S, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Reduced brain oxygen metabolism in patients with multiple sclerosis: Evidence from dual-calibrated functional MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2022: 271678X221121849
  4. Chiarelli AM, Germuska M, Chandler H, Stickland R, Patitucci E, Biondetti E, Mascali D, Saxena N, Khot S, Steventon J, Foster C, Rodriguez-Soto AE, Englund E, Murphy K, Tomassini V, Wehrli FW, Wise RG: Oxygen Transport Modelling for Mapping Brain Oxygen Extraction Fraction with Single Gas Calibrated fMRI, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting. London, 2022
  5. Saxena N, Muthukumaraswamy SD, Richmond L, Babic A, Singh KD, Hall JE, Wise RG, Shaw AD: A comparison of GABA-ergic (propofol) and non-GABA-ergic (dexmedetomidine) sedation on visual and motor cortical oscillations, using magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage 2021; 245: 118659
  6. Saxena N, Gili T, Diukova A, Huckle D, Hall JE, Wise RG: Mild Propofol Sedation Reduces Frontal Lobe and Thalamic Cerebral Blood Flow: An Arterial Spin Labeling Study, Proceedings of the International School on Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function – XIII Workshop. Edited by Ronen I, Bianciardi M, Giove F, Frontiers Media SA, 2021
  7. Shaw AD, Muthukumaraswamy SD, Saxena N, Sumner RL, Adams NE, Moran RJ, Singh KD: Generative modelling of the thalamo-cortical circuit mechanisms underlying the neurophysiological effects of ketamine. Neuroimage 2020; 221: 117189
  8. Rossiter H, Chandler H, Saxena N, Wise RG, Singh KD, Khot S. Oscillatory dynamics in ischaemic pain. British Journal of Pain 2020: 2
  9. El-Mekki J, Saxena N. A service evaluation of the use of cannabidiol products among people with chronic/persistent pain, attending Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Hospitals. British Journal of Pain 2020: 1-2
  10. Varanasi M, Saxena N. Patient engagement with a pre-clinic questionnaire in outpatient pain clinics. British Journal of Pain 2020: 3
  11. Saxena N, Gili T, Diukova A, Huckle D, Hall JE, Wise RG: Mild Propofol Sedation Reduces Frontal Lobe and Thalamic Cerebral Blood Flow: An Arterial Spin Labeling Study. Frontiers in Physiology 2019; 10
  12. Patitucci E, Stickland R, Chandler H, Germuska M, Foster C, Khot S, Saxena N, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Voxel-wise CMRO2 mapping reveals focally-reduced task-related oxygen consumption in multiple sclerosis., 2019
  13. Patitucci E, Foster C, Stickland R, Chandler H, Germuska M, Khot S, Saxena N, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Energetics of brain plasticity in the healthy and MS brain: a quantitative fMRI study OHBM. Rome, 2019
  14. Patitucci E, Foster C, Stickland R, Chandler H, Germuska M, Khot S, Saxena N, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Energetics of brain plasticity in the healthy and MS brain: a quantitative fMRI study, OHBM, 2019
  15. Chandler HL, Stickland R, Germuska M, Patitucci E, Foster C, Khot S, Saxena N, Bhome-Dhaliwal S, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Quantification of cerebral grey matter vascular and metabolic functionin multiple sclerosis using dual-calibrated fMRI., ISMRM. Paris, 2019
  16. Bosanquet D, Ambler G, Waldron CA, Thomas-Jones E, Brookes-Howell L, Kelson M, Pickles T, Harris D, Milosevic S, Fitzsimmons D, Saxena N, Twine C: Perineural local anaesthetic catheter after major lower limb amputation trial (PLACEMENT): results from a randomised controlled feasibility trial. BMJ Open 2019; 9: e029233
  17. Bosanquet DC, Ambler GK, Waldron CA, Thomas-Jones E, Brookes-Howell L, Kelson M, Harris D, Pickles T, Milosevic S, Fitzsimmons D, Saxena N, Twine CP: Major lower limb amputation audit – introduction and implementation of a multimodal perioperative pain management guideline. Br J Pain 2018; 12: 257-258
  18. Stickland R, Germuska M, Chandler H, Foster C, Saxena N, Khot S, Tomassini V, Wise RG: Visual stimulus induced changes in oxygen metabolism in Multiple Sclerosis, School of Brain Cells and Circuits: From cell physiology to integrated signals and emerging brain functions, 2017
  19. Bosanquet DC, Ambler GK, Waldron CA, Thomas-Jones E, Brookes-Howell L, Kelson M, Pickles T, Harris D, Fitzsimmons D, Saxena N, Twine CP: Perineural local anaesthetic catheter after major lower limb amputation trial (PLACEMENT): study protocol for a randomised controlled pilot study. Trials 2017; 18: 629
  20. Saxena N, Gili T, Huckle D, Bell S, Hall J, Wise R: Mild propofol sedation reduces frontal lobe and thalamic cerebral blood flow: an arterial spin labelling study. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2016; 117: e841
  21. Saxena N, Forsyth A, Babic A, Dasari S, Richmond L, Worthen S, Hall J, Muthukumaraswamy S: Dissociating analgesic and sedative actions of anaesthetic drugs with magnetoencephalography (MEG); Initial results., 16th World Congress on Pain. Yokohama, Japan, IASP, 2016, pp PTH392
  22. Saxena N, Babic A, Richmond L, Shaw A, Hall J, Muthukumaraswamy S: Visual stimulus-induced oscillatory activity can differentiate between GABAergic and non-GABAergic sedation. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2016; 11: e841- e842
  23. Shaw AD, Saxena N, L EJ, Hall JE, Singh KD, Muthukumaraswamy SD: Ketamine amplifies induced gamma frequency oscillations in the human cerebral cortex. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2015; 25: 1136-46
  24. Richmond L, Jackson L, Shaw A, Hall J, Saxena N, Muthukumaraswamy S: The neural, oscillatory, correlates of sedative ketamine infusion: a pharmaco-MEG (magnetoencephalographic) study. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2015; 32: 183
  25. Muthukumaraswamy SD, Shaw AD, Jackson LE, Hall J, Moran R, Saxena N: Evidence that Subanesthetic Doses of Ketamine Cause Sustained Disruptions of NMDA and AMPA-Mediated Frontoparietal Connectivity in Humans. J Neurosci 2015; 35: 11694-706
  26. Warnert EA, Harris AD, Murphy K, Saxena N, Tailor N, Jenkins NS, Hall JE, Wise RG: In vivo assessment of human brainstem cerebrovascular function: a multi-inversion time pulsed arterial spin labelling study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2014; 34: 956-63
  27. Muthukumaraswamy S, Jackson LE, Saxena N, Shaw A, Wise R, Hall JE: Investigating glutamatergic neuro-transmission in the human brain using ketamine sedation. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2014; 113: 328-329P
  28. Clark J, Short A, Chawathe M, Francis J, Saxena N, Bogod D, Girotra V: Development of a realistic epidural simulator – a translational research project. Anaesthesia 2014; 69: 17
  29. Saxena N, Muthukumaraswamy SD, Diukova A, Singh K, Hall J, Wise R: Enhanced Stimulus-Induced Gamma Activity in Humans during Propofol-Induced Sedation. PLoS One 2013; 8: e57685
  30. Saxena N: Airway management plan in patients with difficult airways having regional anesthesia. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2013; 29: 558-60
  31. Harris AD, Murphy K, Diaz CM, Saxena N, Hall JE, Liu TT, Wise RG: Cerebral blood flow response to acute hypoxic hypoxia. NMR Biomed 2013
  32. Gili T, Saxena N, Diukova A, Murphy K, Hall JE, Wise RG: The thalamus and brainstem act as key hubs in alterations of human brain network connectivity induced by mild propofol sedation. J Neurosci 2013; 33: 4024-31
  33. Saxena N, Muthukumaraswamy S, Diukova A, Wilkes A, Singh KD, Wise RG, Hall JE: Alterations of stimulus-induced gamma oscillatory activity during propofol sedation. , Anaesthetic Reasearch Society. London, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2012, pp 870P – 871P
  34. Saxena N, Kumar M, Tailor N, Wilkes T, Hodzovic I: Comparing performance of three non-rebreathing Oxygen masks – Topout, Intersurgical™ and Flexicare™. A randomised, cross-over volunteer study. . British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012; 109: 665-666P
  35. Saxena N, Kadambande S, Khot S: From presentation to journal publication: the journey of our Society’s ASM abstracts. . Pain News 2012; 10: 49-52
  36. Saxena N, Jeffs S, Hughes O: Do Pain Management Programmes lead to permanent changes? Long-term effectiveness of an outpatient interdisciplinary PMP: an observational study. , World Congress on Pain. Milan, IASP, 2012
  37. Saxena N, Diukova A, Venzi M, Gili T, Huckle D, Bell S, Wise RG, Hall JE: Endogenous brain oscillations during sedation: initial results of a magnetoencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging study. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012; 108: 721P
  38. Kumar M, Saxena N, Wilkes T, Hodzovic I: Evaluation of three non-rebreathing Oxygen delivery masks. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012; 109: 660P
  39. Khurana A, Guha A, Saxena N, Pugh S, Ahuja S: Comparison of aprotinin and tranexamic acid in adult scoliosis correction surgery. Eur Spine J 2012
  40. Harris AD, Roberton VH, Huckle DL, Saxena N, Evans CJ, Murphy K, Hall JE, Bailey DM, Mitsis G, Edden RA, Wise RG: Temporal dynamics of lactate concentration in the human brain during acute inspiratory hypoxia. J Magn Reson Imaging 2012
  41. Gili T, Saxena N, Diukova A, Murphy K, Hall J, Wise R: Mild sedation alters eigenvector centrality of BOLD FMRI in the thalamus and brainstem OHBM Proceedings 2012
  42. Gili T, Saxena N, Diukova A, Murphy K, Hall J, Wise R: Physiological noise correction may help to detect changes in brain activity during mild sedation. . OHBM Proceedings 2012
  43. Gili T, Saxena N, Diukova A, Murphy K, Hall J, Wise R: Mapping alterations in cortical and subcortical functional connectivity induced by light sedation. . OHBM Proceedings 2012
  44. Saxena N, Lewis E: Anaesthetic interventions for vaginal twin deliveries; role of epidural analgesia. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia 2010: S42
  45. Edden RA, Harris AD, Murphy K, Evans CJ, Saxena N, Hall JE, Bailey DM, Wise RG: Edited MRS is sensitive to changes in lactate concentration during inspiratory hypoxia. J Magn Reson Imaging 2010; 32: 320-5
  46. Saxena N, Parry-Jones AJ: Traumatic haemorrhage into an occult phaeochromocytoma: presentation and management in a patient with septic shock. Anaesthesia 2008; 63: 428-32
  47. Saxena N, Greenway I, Harding LJ, Davies NG: A complication of the ‘atraumatic inserter’ of the Tracoe experc percutaneous dilation tracheostomy set. Anaesthesia 2008; 63: 1377-9
  48. Kumar M, Saxena N, Saxena A: The effect of a colloid or crystalloid preload on hypotension caused by induction of anaesthesia with propofol and fentanyl. . Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2008; 24: 409-412
  49. Khot S, Taylor A, Saxena N, Knox G: Chronic low back pain: What doctors think?, British Pain Society- Annual Scientif Meeting, British Pain Society, 2007
  50. Saxena N, Sharma M: Cerebral infarction following carotid arterial injection of adrenaline. Can J Anaesth 2005; 52: 119
  51. Saxena N, Chaudhary S: Open indirect cardiac massage in a neonate. Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72: 253-5
  52. Saxena AK, Saxena N, Aggarwal B, Sethi AK: An unusual complication of sinus arrest following right-sided stellate ganglion block: a case report. Pain Pract 2004; 4: 245-8
  53. Saxena N, Ahuja S: Laryngeal mask cuff damage during interscalene block. Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 600
  54. Saxena N, Sharma M, Mishra KK, Kumar A: Comparative evaluation of the effect of glycopyrrolate with thiopentone or propofol, for modified ECT on cardiovascular parameters and seizure characteristics., ISA-GOLDCON. Coimbatore, 2002

Excellent consultant. The treatment I’ve received to date is second to none.

G.B, Hereford

I was referred to Professor Saxena for pain after I had a fractured vertebra in a car-crash. He tried a number of treatments; as I had a lot of side-effects with medicines. I had ablation treatments with radiofrequency and also nerve blocks which finally helped control the pain.

N.B, Cardiff

Professor Saxena is very compassionate and empathetic; particularly around the daily impact and challenges that chronic pain can have. He takes time to talk through your present pain concerns, before suggesting different avenues of pain management.

B. H, Swansea

We saw Dr. Saxena for my daughter’s pain. He explained about CRPS and helped refer her to the children’s CRPS programme at Bath. She is making slow but definite progress. We are really grateful for his help.

Mrs J, seen at Spire Hospital, Cardiff

I have been under the care of Professor Saxena for my treatment for migraines. He is a an amazing doctor.

N.C, Cardiff

I saw Professor Saxena for my trochanteric bursitis. He provided same day ultrasound based injection. It was amazing to be pain free after nearly 18 months in constant pain.

K.M, seen at Nuffield, Cardiff

Very polite, thorough gentleman. Excellent doctor. Never had anyone explain my condition in so much detail to me, as he did.

Mrs D, seen at Nuffield, Cardiff

I have suffered with pain for over 20 years. I cannot express enough gratitude to you for dealing with me so efficiently to the entire team of Professor Saxena and for providing my treatment, which I had so long awaited, so quickly.

Mr R, seen in Swansea

I am a yoga teacher and have suffered with piriformis syndrome for nearly 2 years and nothing had worked for me. I saw Professor Saxena, who recommended and performed an injection. I have been pain-free since then except for an occasional twinge. I am so grateful.

Mrs L, seen at Spire Hospital, Cardiff

My mother (84 years) was referred to Professor Saxena, by her GP. We had to cancel her appointment twice, at short notice, due to her being in severe pain. Professor Saxena’s secretary was very polite and helpful and helped arrange another appointment for us. Professor Saxena was very courteous and professional. Our consultation over-ran but we never felt rushed. He spent nearly an hour with us and explained all options in detail. We had never been told about most of these things.

Mrs JP, seen at Spire Hospital, Cardiff

I was referred by my work to see Professor Saxena for my back pain. It had starting taking over my life and I was struggling with work and simple things such as playing with my 6 year old son. He diagnosed facet joint syndrome and I had radiofrequency treatment, all within 2 weeks of seeing him. This procedure has changed my life and I would strongly recommend him.

Mr ST, seen at Spire Hospital, Cardiff

Great explanation and possible options for treatment to improve my condition.

J.B, seen at Spire, Cardiff

Many thanks to Professor Saxena and his amazing team. Esp Mollie who has been amazing in arranging our appointments and dealing with insurers.

D.D, Swansea

I have suffered with headaches for the last 10 years. Professor Saxena was really helpful in explaining my condition to me. With his help I was able to come off all my medicines, which were probably making my pain worse. My headaches are still there but I am coping better with those. It is rare to meet such excellent professionals like Professor Saxena.

Mr M, seen at Nuffield Vale Hospital

We saw Professor Saxena for my husband’s back pain. He underwent nerve ablation treatments which have really helped. The hospital organised physiotherapy after the procedures which was also outstanding.

P.T, Hereford

My mum was unable to have knee arthritis surgery and so we saw Professor Saxena. He has developed radiofrequency treatment for the nerves of knee which has been remarkable for my mum. Thank you.

P.R, seen at Spire, Cardiff

I would certainly recommend Professor Saxena to friends. All procedures have been explained in a concise manner ensuring I fully understood the course of action and any further treatment. All staff are very friendly in Spire Cardiff with minimum wait time.

L.M, seen at Spire, Cardiff

I was referred by my spinal surgeon. Professor Saxena really helped me deal with my back pain. I had radiofrequency treatment of my sacroiliac joint and that has helped me enormously with my hip pain. I am slowly getting back to my normal self.

Mr DW, seen at Nuffield Vale Hospital

I have been seeing Professor Saxena for nearly 6 months, for my phantom limb pain. I was referred to him as he is an expert in this area. I have found him very knowledgeable and supportive. I have found great benefit with cannabis oil.

R.C, Cardiff

Treatment very good. Unfortunately, this cream is not available on the NHS

H.P, Cardiff

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