
March 5th, 2019


Pain Science

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A frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) usually comes on slowly over a period of time but, as it worsens, it can impact dramatically on quality of life. Not only does it limit movement in the shoulder and arm, but it also presents severe pain which can be difficult to live with.

What causes frozen shoulder?

No one knows exactly what causes this painful condition. It is thought that surgery, injury and some health complaints such as heart disease and diabetes might make an individual more likely to develop a frozen shoulder but it also affects many people who have no pre-existing health impairments. Across the first few months, shoulder movement becomes painfully inflamed and mobility is restricted. Once the shoulder has ‘frozen’ pain levels start to fade but arm movement can become even more limited. After a couple of years, the joint pain generally disappears and shoulder movement improves, although the shoulder may never recover its original flexibility.

Do I have a frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder can appear in anyone but most commonly affects women over 40. If your shoulder feels stiff and very painful and it is becoming increasingly difficult for your arm to reach up, out to the side, or in rotation, you could have a frozen shoulder. That’s especially likely if the arm that is affected is not your dominant one (for instance, if you are right-handed, a frozen shoulder is more likely to affect your left side and vice versa.)


Frozen shoulder is a fairly routine condition, so it is concerning that so many sufferers report misdiagnosis. Obtaining a true diagnosis is essential to ensure proper treatment and therapy advice because a correct evaluation at the early ‘freezing stage’ can reduce the duration and severity of the condition overall. If physiotherapy is not helping and you suspect a frozen shoulder, go back to your GP and ask them to think again.

Caring for a frozen shoulder

Your GP or pain management consultant will usually recommend over-the-counter painkillers and gentle exercises and stretches for you to perform within the limits of your pain. If the pain is extreme, steroid injections may help reduce inflammation.

Developing a frozen shoulder is a limiting and painful experience but the impact of the condition can be minimised by early intervention and good guidance from a medical professional. Always seek further advice from your doctor or physiotherapist.